Thursday, 17 April 2008
what a pity
Here are the results of my primary school's SYF results:
Chinese Dance- silver
Band- silver
Choir- silver
Indian dance- GOLD
Malay dance- GOLD
I'm quite disappointed with the choir and chinese dance because they have previously attained gold.
But congrats to the indian and malay dance!
Well, guess ZPS needa work alot harder!
Jia you!
Lost Control
We have been discussing about the use of crude language, anger management, gentlemanliness, etc. But apparently and sadly, our Science teacher got out of control today.
Everything was fine until someone called our Science teacher by his first name, Herbert. He got so worked up he screamed when he couldn't. The class was shocked by his uproar, and became silent. He demanded for the person who called him by his first name to stand but no one did. Some of us found it funny that he screamed like no body's business and found difficulty controlling our laughter and just reduced our laughter to a mere smile.
He ordered us to open the windows of the lab and one of us didn't hear him and just stood where he was and smiled. Our science teacher screamed at him, "WIPE THAT SMILE OF YOUR FACE! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME TELLING ALL OF YOU TO OPEN THE WINDOWS? WHAT ABOUT THE WINDOWS AT THE BACK?!" He said something like "bloody attitude" and I was appalled.
Well, it was certain that he did not know anything about anger management as he lost control of himself using a crude word that I believe is not supposed to be used by civillised teachers like him. What's more, he insulted the whole class by saying that we are deaf people who couldn't listen to instructions so he wrote some words sacarstically big on the board. He said that our annual health checkups checked if we were blind and not whether we are deaf so he assumed that we were.
The fact that he is a teacher of such a school of ours is sadly but truly, a shame for us.
In my opinion, he should've calmly asked for the culprit and deal with the issue in a composed manner and not scream bang the whiteboard and insult us, something that is not at all how a gentlemanly teacher should behave like. He should not have vent his anger on the whole class, esp the poor boy how missed his instructions and smiled. Anyway, we are never instructed to open the back windows and what he said was "people at the side open the windows" and that boy was sitting at the how would he've known?
Maybe he was in a bad mood then but as a grown up and an educated person, he should have the ability to control his emotions.
Please give your comments. Thanks.
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Imagine if...
Just some random piece of writing I wrote. I got this inspiration while eating popcorn chicken from KFC today for lunch. It's not a poem...just a random kind of writing which might have grammatical errors...but anyway...just read it. :)
Imagine if...
Your parents are killed right before your eyes
to satisfy the hunger of greedy giants that you never saw before.
Imagine if...
You are waiting in the metal coop
being stuffed with delicious and nutritious food
which is given by the giants who are
waiting and waiting till you reach a size that is
suitable for you to be murdered
and fed to the other giants
Imagine if...
You know that you are going to be killed
and you are feeling
the anxiety
the fear
the unfairness
the anger
the sadness
the agony of leaving your family
your life
your happiness
your everything
Imagine if...
Your dear child is in your arms
looking at you with innocent eyes
starting to remember you
to love you
to treat you
as a parent.
And out of the blue you are grabbed by that giant's hand
which would lead you to your end
Imagine if....
Imagine if...
Imagine if...
You were that giant
who fed the things like crazy
then killed the things like crazy
and devoured the things like crazy
You were that giant who caused
so much fear and agony
among famillies
and treated it as if nothing had happened
You were that giant who
enjoyed all these killings
enjoyed all these corpses
enjoyed their blood
enjoyed their tears
enjoyed their misery and pain
The message: We are killers and we seem, unintentionally and unconsciously enjoy being killers. We enjoy the meat of chicken, lamb, pigs, frogs, deers, bears, fishes, sharks, shellfishes etc. and unknowingly, we enjoy their misery and pain.
We seldom think of the very moment when an animal is about to be killed. What were they thinking? What had happened to them? Why are they dying for us when we could have spared their lives by not feasting on them? Aren't we selfish and evil?
We say terrorists are lunatics and evil because they kill unreasonably...if we go along this line about killing the innocent, are we any different?
Sadly, I'm one of them... lol
Well, it's really difficult to become a vege cuz the temptation seem to be too great...
But now MAYBE I'm considering (LOL)...
maybe when I'm mature enough to resist the temptation...
Friday, 11 April 2008
Remember his courage, forget his mistake
It is said that "To err is human" true.
Even our class mugger JOel Teo does make mistakes and lose to Ming Yi in Chemistry...
(No Offense, just giving eg.)
Well, something happened today...pretty Drama-like...pretty channel8-like. There's someone who placed some kind of ink on paper stuff on the teacher's table and Dorje (My chinese and form teacher) got super duper hyper angry...(Bad mood?), we dunno cuz nvr in our lifes we see the dark side of him...
So we stood for 1.5 hours, waiting for the person who did this. Everyone was famished because it was already 2.20pm then. Ming YI couldn't take it and suffered from Grastic pain- poor boy. I wouldn't blame Dorje, because he's also there spending an hour and a half of his dear life waiting for this boy to admit. Ming Yi was on the verge of tears because of the pain- no one can blame him, look at him, he's so tall and skinny.
At the 125th minute, the boy confessed in tears. Real genuine tears of apology and guilt, I should say. I didn't expect to see this from a boy like him with a cheerful(?) personality but well, he showed me his soft side.
Everyone was silent but the class wasn't angry with him...somehow our anger was extinguished by his courage to admit his mistake and his genuine apology to all of us. We gave him a round of applause to compliment his courage and this is where the drama comes in.
So I quickly left the class because I was late for my EP3 for 60 minutes. Anyway I smsed him:
I'll be late.
10 minutes later....
I'll be VERY late.
Anyway it doesn't really matter because my EP3 isn't like NCC where the seniors will just turn the cadets deaf asking them to do pumpings like crazy. Chinese Orchestra is more civillised...Haha.
All in all, the class didn't bear a grudge on that guy who made us stand with him for 1.5 hours and suffer with him for 130 minutes of hunger. We remembered his courage and forgot his wrongdoing.
Ga-day! (Australian slang for Good Day)
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
These are the videos and photos taken for Day 3 and 4 of our stay in Australia. There are two days of photos in this post because there were two days of school visiting so I thought the photos are about the same stuff.
Overview of how COCB looks like.

We had a tour around COCB...Zhou Quan(left) over there refering to his map.

Everyone paying attention to...the tour guide...except me... =P

Mr....oh I forgot his name! ANyway let's call him Mr. CRANKY cuz he taught us CRANKY and seem to luv it so much. Anyway he's our tour guide. A funny man.

He introduced two "bottle trees" to us...they do look like bottles...but too bad I didn't take a photo of them.

A class on Business...

She wanted to be my be it! CHEEZE!!!!

We attended this Grade 11/12 (?) CHem class and didn't understand a thing. What cool and classy chairs they have, unlike our pasak malam chairs in HCI.

Thank God our swimming pool is better than theirs...if not we are really screwed...haha!

Students of COCB having their recess.

We had the "centerpoint", where the high school and the primary school section is divided.

The one who is wearing a hat beside me weari is my buddy...the rest are jokers who are all so attracted to me! lol! :)
A short video of an English lesson...just as boring as it in HCI...maybe slightly worse...
The awkward thing is that students could just walk in without greeting the teacher... :
After the lessons and the assembly ended, we attended chapel. Pretty interesting chapel session. That was the first time in my life I attended chapel. Oh Yes, we got COCB badges during the assembly and a song was dedicated to us by the choir. Lol...super cool.

Getting instructed not to use chinese in front of our hosts because they don't understand chinese and it's not nice to use a language that they don't understand. You can see some guilty faces, can't you? (Australians love to use like "You like that, don't you?" or "You can't see, can you?" or "It's quite nice, isn't it?") A form of English that S'porean don't normally use because we use Singlish! :)
Han Song and the rest finding seats in the Chapel.
They sat near us and I decided to take a photo of Mr. Tan! SMILE!!!!!
This is the lunch we had on Tuesday which is the forth day of our stay...Ms. Tan licking chocolate cream off her fingertips...look yummy LOL!
Zhou Quan (left) and Clifford (Right) settling down to have their meals.
A man selling sausages after the chapel...with no customers.
I think That's All Folks! Stay tuned for more photos andvideos. Anyway, there would be times where I would us add some photos and videos on posts because I would miss some videos/ photos sometimes so...keep looking!
Lol. :)
Friday, 4 April 2008
Be Happy
To ppl who wished I could attend Mr Phang's Bday pt:
Pai Seh! Got a dinner at Toa Payoh! Soli! Soli!
To everyone:
I'd like to share with all of you one small little incident while I was in the lift with my neighbour.
What's so interesting?
Well, it just so happens that my neighbour's children carried the same bag as me- same colour, design, brand, but just of different size. The little girl squealed in excitement and happiness, "Hey mummy! We've got the same bag!" Her mother was like..."Yes, but the size is different- his bag is bigger." But this did not stop her excitement. She remained smiling.
Out of the blue, I began thinking about this matter at a different level. I thought about achieving happiness.
How did this girl actually achieve that short period of excitement just by realizing that there's another person carrying a simpler bag? It's not like it is the only similar bag in the whole world...
Why do people lament about pressure, stress and stuff and fail to be happy?
Is it because of the maturity of the adult that causes such pessimistic character? One who is a veteran of all sorts of stress might even think that excessive pressure and stress is what life exactly is...Many are complaining about their workload, not having enough time to really enjoy life. But does time really matter to achieve happiness? At least to me, no.
I feel that as long as we view things in an optimistic perspective and find joy in small things happening in life as well as appreciate everything he has, he'd have a happy life. I'm not saying that you squeal in excitement when you see someone else's thing that is similar to what you have you squeal in excitement- people would think you're crazy. Just look on the bright side of everything and happiness flows to you naturally.
WEll, I don't know why im writing this but there is just a sudden urge to just type something I was thinking of....
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
I broke it
I'd like to share with all of you my success in breaking the 11-minute barrier for my 2.4km run.
I'm really proud and thankful to those who were infront of me, consistently pacing me to obtain such a timing- Marcus, some guy and Ivan Mak...I actually overtook him at the last 100m then at like the last 90m, he overtook me again... :(
Stay tune for my next batch of photos!
C ya