These are the videos and photos taken for Day 3 and 4 of our stay in Australia. There are two days of photos in this post because there were two days of school visiting so I thought the photos are about the same stuff.
Overview of how COCB looks like.

We had a tour around COCB...Zhou Quan(left) over there refering to his map.

Everyone paying attention to...the tour guide...except me... =P

Mr....oh I forgot his name! ANyway let's call him Mr. CRANKY cuz he taught us CRANKY and seem to luv it so much. Anyway he's our tour guide. A funny man.

He introduced two "bottle trees" to us...they do look like bottles...but too bad I didn't take a photo of them.

A class on Business...

She wanted to be my be it! CHEEZE!!!!

We attended this Grade 11/12 (?) CHem class and didn't understand a thing. What cool and classy chairs they have, unlike our pasak malam chairs in HCI.

Thank God our swimming pool is better than theirs...if not we are really screwed...haha!

Students of COCB having their recess.

We had the "centerpoint", where the high school and the primary school section is divided.

The one who is wearing a hat beside me weari is my buddy...the rest are jokers who are all so attracted to me! lol! :)
A short video of an English lesson...just as boring as it in HCI...maybe slightly worse...
The awkward thing is that students could just walk in without greeting the teacher... :
After the lessons and the assembly ended, we attended chapel. Pretty interesting chapel session. That was the first time in my life I attended chapel. Oh Yes, we got COCB badges during the assembly and a song was dedicated to us by the choir. Lol...super cool.

Getting instructed not to use chinese in front of our hosts because they don't understand chinese and it's not nice to use a language that they don't understand. You can see some guilty faces, can't you? (Australians love to use like "You like that, don't you?" or "You can't see, can you?" or "It's quite nice, isn't it?") A form of English that S'porean don't normally use because we use Singlish! :)
Han Song and the rest finding seats in the Chapel.
They sat near us and I decided to take a photo of Mr. Tan! SMILE!!!!!
This is the lunch we had on Tuesday which is the forth day of our stay...Ms. Tan licking chocolate cream off her fingertips...look yummy LOL!
Zhou Quan (left) and Clifford (Right) settling down to have their meals.
A man selling sausages after the chapel...with no customers.
I think That's All Folks! Stay tuned for more photos andvideos. Anyway, there would be times where I would us add some photos and videos on posts because I would miss some videos/ photos sometimes so...keep looking!
Lol. :)
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