Monday, 18 August 2008

This Day

Hi guys,

Today's pretty eventful.

It is the first day of my Sabbaticals...IDS (Interdisciplinary Studies). We were introduced to our projects and some other information on alternative energy resources. It wasn't so boring actually... still acceptable, esp. with all the air-conditioning for most of the venues. We were supposed to educate a community on energy conservation and come up with a policy to conserve energy. The duration of this project is about 2 days plus. It's pretty short actually.

Besides the IDS, my grandfather and 4th aunty has just arrived this afternoon. Nice to see them again... When we first met, the first few lines from my 4th aunty was "wow, so big already, last time when I met you a few months ago still not as tall, now towering above me" Oh yea, it was in Cambodian - she seldom speaks English.

Today has been quite an eventful day. Looking forward for the rest of the IDC... or rather, looking forward to get more ace. 

Hm... the thought of the EOY Exams just flashed in my mind... Like 


So quickly that you can't really catch its physical form... 

It's a force...

a force so evil, so dark, that... 

that spreads the horrible, horrible emotion

fear... yes, it's fear...

Fear for all bad outcomes...

all the what ifs... or rather, all the bad what ifs...


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