At last, there's something new and exciting to talk about...
I'm currently in Kerala, India... blogging.... live....
This is my first time blogging life. It's more fun blogging this way, because everything is just so fresh... the photos, the experiences, the thoughts...
It's only 10.45pm in Kerala... so I should have much more time to complete this post...
So yeah, we arrived at Kerala yesterday night. It was really late so I didn't have the time and energy to do an entry...
Nevertheless, here are some photos of the day we departed for Kerala (please bear with blur photos)...
{ Just a photo of Dorge getting so excited while boarding the plane (left); Marcus and friends chatting while the plane's preparing to take off (right). }
{ Caught Dorje red-handed playing Bridge with the rest... (left); Cheeky smiles... (right) }
{ HUGE and lovely dog... unfortunately locked in a high class cage (left); Justin, Johnny and Song Ken at the visitors' room (right picture) }
Just a brief summary of the today's programme:
First up in the morning we had the Science Seminar which students from the higher grades, 11 and 12, participated in.
{ Dorje and friends listening attentively to the presentation (left); The girls on the left... the boys on the right... (right) }
{ A female student presenting (left); A group of boys waving... [ i was wondering if you could spot something not very nice in the photo... lol] }
{ All smiles (left); Zzzz (right)}
After the long Science Seminar, we went to have lunch... Indian fried rice and stuff... too hungry to take pics but would definitely take a few shots tomorrow...
Then we went to attend lessons. I attended a math class, and I found the teacher REALLY fierce. The first thing she did was to scold someone... and her voice was freaking loud. But if you were a good kid, your life in her class wouldn't be very bad actually.

The students there are extremely friendly and outspoken... within minutes I was like talking to almost every single one of them. They just came crowding around me and Song Ken after the math lesson ended.

{ students cuddling around Song Ken (left); Few students posing... (right) }

Then we went to attend lessons. I attended a math class, and I found the teacher REALLY fierce. The first thing she did was to scold someone... and her voice was freaking loud. But if you were a good kid, your life in her class wouldn't be very bad actually.
The students there are extremely friendly and outspoken... within minutes I was like talking to almost every single one of them. They just came crowding around me and Song Ken after the math lesson ended.
{ students cuddling around Song Ken (left); Few students posing... (right) }
{few shots of the class....}
What surprised me was that there was actually a plasma TV behind the dirty chalk boards... pretty weird huh...

The next event was boat riding... we headed down to take a bus to the jetty to have a boat ride. The bus itself wasn't nice. It was squeezy, packed, humid, warm... urgh... but it was quite interesting actually.

The next event was boat riding... we headed down to take a bus to the jetty to have a boat ride. The bus itself wasn't nice. It was squeezy, packed, humid, warm... urgh... but it was quite interesting actually.
{ A few shots of spontaneous kids who just doens't feel shy facing a camera }
If a "picture paints a thousand words", then a video would show it all... So the following video is how the scene in the bus is like...
We had to jay walk to the jetty because the roads didn't allow the bus to enter.
{ Mr. Ong (Dorje) jay walking }
To the jetty....
{ Hong Yao with his bright smile (left); Group walk (right) }
We continued walking and walking till we arrived at a mini-mall where we did a little shopping. After buying some stuff we decided to settle down and have a drink at a cafe... and the prices were so good that Song Ken decided to treat Kenneth and me.
{The 3 cups of coffee sponsored by Song Ken...
My cup of cool latte definitely perked me up...}
{ Yummy... Hong Yao and Johnny sitting together drinking something cool}
After this we made our way to the jetty and I came across a few interesting objects...
I really wonder what kind of food is this... apparently, it's some kind of a salad...
{some random shots...}
Ah, at last, we arrived at the jetty! We quickly got up the boat...
{a picture taken from the boat}
There were so many people coming up to the boat - hosts, staff... it's like a party...
{ Song Ken and I enjoying our drinks; Father Austin sitting at the middle... not sure what he's doing}
{Johnny enjoying the sea breeze...}
There was this group of boys going around taking photos of all the guests who were on the boat. I thought they were pretty cute and hence took a video of them in action.
I couldn't really take much photos in the night because my camera's too lousy... no choice but I definitely enjoyed myself partying around during the boat ride with the rest of the Indian students and guests. Dorje had a great time too... he sang and danced liked crazy. It's such a pity I don't have any records of that...
We went to a condo for dinner and it was great. It looked so expensive - waiters serving cocktails in classic glasses, a huge variety of food... lightings... etc. just made the meal so wonderful.

That's all for today... that's quite a big lot of photos I've posted. Stay tuned for more action right here.... Lol... See you guys.
Bye for now!
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