I came to join in the fun- I had my morning jump!
Oops...horrible landing! (The girl on the right is Kristin, who is 9 years old).
Driving on the famous Story Bridge!
Peng Ning (front) and Daniel (back) in the car...
We then went for bike riding along the river near Southbank...(I forgot to take pics of Southbank! :( - I was too busy enjoying my lunch and ice-cream there). (From left: Peng Ning, Me, Paul, Kristin and Daniel)
Nice and cooling under the bridge. (From the front, then left: Peng Ning, Faith, Paul and Kristin)
Peng Ning in his helmets taking a shot with the high rise buildings.
Now me in helmets taking a shot with the high rise buildings...
I'm still nice without the helmet....
I know, you can't see my face but Look! the main focus is the Story Bridge!
All the little children...(From left: Kristin, Peng Ning, Me, Daniel)
Well, we went to the church first thing in the morning after having our breakfast and the church session lasted for 1.5 hours(?). We then went back home to rest a while before going for the bike riding cum picnic outing- Super duper fun! (Best if not one of the best highlights of the trip). After the outing we returned home again and brought Codger, the puppy, for a walk to the doggy park to allow him to unwine and have fun socialising with other dogs in the park.
Well, not many pictures this time as I had too much fun to take them- not that the other days were not as fun but...you know, I enjoyed myself too much. Haha!
See ya!