Getting off the bus excitedly to step on the sands of GoldCoast for the first time.. :D

Nice buildings along the beaches....

The sun is setting so gracefully...admire its beauty!

Just take a quick snap with the ocean- I DON"T WANNA GET WET!
But i did....
Look at the soft sand! Oops, it's gettin' into people's eyes!!!
Cute little footprints
My master piece!
A group photo
"Mr Tan, can I take a pic of your soiled shoes?"
"Of course! Of course!"
In case you guys don't know what's this. it's actually a show featuring mainly horses as well as some stuff about Australia...It's like a watch and dine kind of show where of course, you dine while you watch/ watch while you dine.
This where all the audiences assemble b4 entering the hall...It's like a pub where there's singing and sale of beers and stuff...

Look at the bar!! And this fella over here!

I'm gonna post the photos of day pretty soon and stay tune! If you're wondering why I took so long to complete the whole post, it's because I've been extremely busy and recently I just got a fever from my brother.
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