Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Photos are out- COCB exchange

Hi everyone, I've downloaded the photos that I've taken during my stay in Australia...
However, to keep all of you visiting my blog again, I'll only publish the photos taken in the first :)
SO keep comin' to see more in the future!
Here are the photos:

Ms Sandra Tan, "Before we leave, I insist that all of you must hug your parents because
they have pumped in money for you to be able to go on this trip."
Let's take a group photo!

All the 2K students attending the trip...

Can I take a photo with the aeroplane?
Beautiful Waterworks...

Nicely designed and comfortable sofas to rest on...
YAY! We're boarding the plane!
Huh...are we boarding the plane?
I didn't know that...
Yo! Lemme be ya model dude!

Dispersion of light...Mrs Loi 'd be happy to see this

Yay! Arrival in Brisbane.

Where are our baggages?
LOl, that's the end for the day... stay tuned to see more... :)

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